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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Narcissistic Abuse from My Perspective


So much for not posting anymore....


I've had enough of this man

"Everytime you call me crazy, I get more crazy

What about that?

And when you say I seem angry, I get more angry

And there's nothing like a mad woman

What a shame she went mad

No one likes a mad woman

You made her like that"



Taylor's helped me SOOO MUCH through this relationship. 

She has no idea.

I decided to record him telling me he wasn't gonna move, listen to all the projection, the disrespect, name calling.

Yes. I do a bit too. Only after being called a stupid bitch multiple times and told to shut the fuck up cuz I'm not allowed to ever raise my voice no matter how valid the reason. 

Finish through the end.

I told him after the first one you hear that I was recording, but DM memos are hard to click when YOU'RE arguing and defending your sanity. 

Repeatedly I've asked him to leave, he doesn't pay rent, never did. He's just milking it and taking advantage and financially and emotionally abusing me cuz he can. 

I pray for his new gfs SANITY.

5 days a week this is what I go through. Since December 2021 and he goes to his GFs...

I broke up with him December 2020 though, why won't he LEAVE?

HE DOESN'T Pay rent, or child support to his exes, his Mother does... H

keeps me from getting my mail & apartment notifications. 

PROOF Of why I've always got a chip on my shoulder and blow up on people when they suggest things. I've tried everything, except police. That would just ruin his life. 

And he'd have more to blame me for.

She's got years of being a doormat & a slave in store.

First listen to the playlist, then read up on what I post below, and possibly watch again from a new perspective

How many names did I call him? I did say  mean stuff... but true Stuff. Mooch, deadbeat what did he call me? How many times did he mock and belittle me?

I call him out for using me for a decade... But' I'm A STUPID BITCH, idiot, moron, lunatic, mehh mmehhmeeeh meeeh he mocks me...

All I ask is for my apartment back. My life back. To not be used.

He knows what he's doing and he just doesn't care. 

How many times did he call himself an asshole cuz I deserved it. How many times did he scream at me telling me not to yell at him, when I was just CALLING him out for abuse...


IM only acting like a bitch, he admits to being an asshole though 

Intentionally, and intentionally keeping important things from me.

Narcissists are like Toddlers in a Tantrum Loop, no respect, you'll never get respect or be right. 


Narcissistic Abuse Playlist 

Here's the info to look through 

Narcissistic Abuse & Projection

I'd post screenshots, but my phone won't let me post these cuz they're screenshots... I need a new phone...

#NarcissisticAbuse #EmotionalAbuse #FinancialAbuse 

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