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Basque in the Luxuriousness that is Posh!!

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Saturday, May 21, 2022



Not working for a decade, wouldn't respect my boundaries, became a slave to him food & sex. If I didn't give it to him every night AT least once I was selfish and NEVER gave him any... Sometimes I'd wake up, (I'm a  heavy sleeper) 

And I wake up... Knowing he's been there ... 

Meaning he'd Fuck me while I slept, then go on with his day... I'd wake up often like this. 

If he was hungry he made himself something, if I was hungry I'd have to ask him, or I was selfish bitch for not thinking of him too. But he never made me food, never asked... I think the only time he did was when he'd ask if I want toast. 

Toast for 9 years is all he offered.

(I have my income, he has none, but me asking him to chip in, financially, or to feed the cats, it was like pulling TEETH...) HE ONLY worked 2 jobs 3 months... In 9 years, you can't blame depression when you refuse to talk to a therapist about it.

But me wanting to talk to a therapist, I was insane to want to tell anyone ANYTHING.


"CRAZY BITCH, STUPID BITCH, LOONEY TUNES, LOONY, ETC..." CUZ I ASKED him to find work, or move out...

I broke up with him December 2020...

He STILL lives here... He won't leave, but I'm still and ALWAYS was the problems

Wanna know my issues? 

I spent my whole life being the "deemed slave" of the family, every boyfriend/friend introduced was taught that that was my role in life ... So I had to do all the SERVING, COOKING, CLEANING, SHOPPING... 

SO AFTER YEARS OF taking all the responsibility, I just GET LAZY in my own space. 

I kept the house clean but my room was my business... Well my family only mentioned my room, not the housework I'd do day in a s day out, making their meals... Drinks, whatever.

If you're not gonna help, then I'll take a day or 2 off...

That's when he'd get mad and say I never did anything... 

His job is the Bathroom. And Garbage. He doesn't scoop the litter Daily... 

And when he's here I won't scoop it... Cuz I do EVERYTHING ELSE. If he's NOT PAYING RENT he can scoop the poop and take the trash out. 

But I'm a stupid lazy bitch cuz I won't do it myself...

I SCOOP IT DAILY when he's gone. 

Its cuz that's how you take care of a cat. 

They're afraid of him anyway... Watch him pick Kremlin up to feed him, Kremlin gets all shrinky and cowers.

He refused to watch Jackson Galaxy for YEARS ...

IT WAS ONLY 2 YEARS Ago He stopped Biting KREMLIN AND POSHAS EAR when they went in his room literally Bit til they squeal... I WANTED TO HIT HIM FOR THAT! ITI didn't cuz he'd literally kill me for it.

But DAMMIT (THEYRE NOT ALLOWED IN his room, he screams and sprays them if they try to or peed by the door...  

 They always try to go in when I'm there, and he screams that I LET them...No they just feel SAFER with me...

Their nose can be TOUCHING the doorjam and he grabs the spray bottle and screams at them to GET THE FUCK OUT, OFTENTIMES ITS WHILE I'm mid sentence asking him something. So he cuts me off and screams IN MY DIRECTION (usually I don't even know the cat is there so he scares the crap out of me)

You don't scoop it, it's your fault when they pee elsewhere... Don't punish them cuz YOU DIDN'T CLEAN THEIR BOX.

Another thing he does. He's left boxes stacked outside his door for the entire time we lived here... But when the cat scratch their claws on them, He screams at them...  We don't have a full cat tree just these cardboard things I pay for and the boxes he leaves in the hallway. 


Leave a cup on the floor, gets mad at the cat for putting their nose on it, screams at them.

He's terrible and thinks the people we stayed with 2 weeks are responsible for them being afraid of HIM... 

THEY WERE in a crowded home for weeks, but I'm sure all the trauma came from you screaming at them for everything they do.

Oh oh... Another asinine rule he had for the cats. They're not allowed in the bathroom while he's in there at all, showering, peeing, or when he cleans their box (he doesn't clean it jus just scoops, I CLEAN IT) 

BUT... IF THE CAT tries to use the box within 20 minute of him cleaning it he freaks out.

They want a clean potty to go in, he cleans it but then he gives them a TIME FRAME to go potty?!

Fuck you dude, let my cats go potty when they need to.

I tell him "then Move the boxes, don't scream at them for doing what's natural to them" he responds with


So I tell him he shouldn't have cats.

I've done a lot of stupid shit in relationships, but I will TAKE MY BLAME IF I DESERVE IT.

I NAGGED him to get work for 9 years 

That's my problem, I let him walk all over me... 

That's Why I was the problem... Cuz I discovered his secret and blew his cover.

Things he told me about his new gf..

(Never asked, he just wanted to rub his new love in my face) 

Her favorite movies are Shawn of the Dead, and Night of the Living Dead...

(My two favorite movies, btw... And one I can't watch anymore cuz it was his (sorry it was JESSIES, NOT his)

So his new gf loves my fave movies .

Told me how she's been traumatized and been threw WAAAY more than I ever was ... (Meaning he's comparing her life to mine, and his knowing her a couple months, knows shes "worse off"

She's besties with a Internet Celeb I love, wooo, rub that in my face now...

Oh and this is the best one

The night he told me, 2 days before Christmas 2021, he told me "SHE SAID IM THE ONLY ONE WHO GETS HER MOTOR RUNNING"

HE has never paid rent, bouncing back and forth between his new girlfriend and his ex of 2 years... Mommy pays his child support the entire time we were together... Never worked or paid the rent, wed have to beg his family  or mine to help 

I stopped Going to his family with him. 

He used me as a DISTRACTION. HIS UNCLE didn't like his wife giving money to a jobless deadbeat, so he'd make me tgo with him to distract him while he gets money from his aunt. That was his Work... That's how he made his way... He still always has money somehow... But HIS WHOLE DAMN FAMILY THINKS IM THE LOSER. 


I'm the loser who put up with your deadbeat chump who won't even work to pay his child support...

Evading work so you don't have to pay child support... That's also financial abuse .. 

So youre financially abusing your family, mommy paying your child support, auntie paying your gas and for your electric razors you need to shave but never work...

You don't Pay Your child support...

Your mom pays each kid $75 a month ($150 check split between 2 kids for the last 9 years... That's what his mommy pays, then he doesn't send it for weeks or months... Most kids get like $600 a month at least...

Oh and both his exes?

They were crazy.

He told me he cheated on his wife (mom of daughter)   with the mother of his son 

So when he  sleeps with his ex gf, his wife finds out... Then They're the monsters who set him up.

So he told me his wife left him cuz he cheated with his ex gf... That was the story 9 years ago when we got together...

Now... December 2020... I asked him if his ex would let him go unemployed that long, he SAID "no, she left me after 6 months of being unemployed"

So the story changed from him cheating and getting caught, to now my story that SHE let him go 6 months unemployed...

So, what he did there, was he took his story, deleted it, then used my story to make me feels sorry??... What's that do, make me more of a doormat than his ex wife cuz she only needed 6 months of this... I stayed 9 years. 

He never takes responsibility.

Again. My PAST screamed in my ear 1 inch from my actual ear... IN FRONT of this ex...

Now any time I raise my voice "stop SCREAMING IN MY EAR" 

WHEN IM 8 feet away...

Another one.

His ex must have told him that he had her "walking on eggshells"

Which is something abuse victims of narcissistic rage go through...

Every time I would ask him something he didn't like, or asked him to do something and he'd yell at me and I'd respond..., or raised my voice in any way at me " I'm not gonna walk on eggshells for you ever"


I know that was His exes words, when he started using the "screaming in my ear" thing that he uses person stories against his victim to keep them down.

Whatever his ex told him, I'm sure is gonna be a tactic to keep her down and stuck in his talons. He had me for 9 years, thinking Poor Guy, been through so much

And he has, he's gone through shit... But it doesn't EXCUSE behavior. He doesn't take responsibility for anything.

Jobless for 9 years but I was the problem for asking him. Sorry Nagging him for help. 

I honestly think they're both narcissists. And he wanted someone who didn't fight back (at the time) 

Well I do NOW.

(Mine helped once every 8 months or so, his he'd go to twice a month for spending money, then he'd keep it from me, but expect me to pay for shit)

And his favorite joke, that I told him I didn't like and didn't feel comfortable with him saying?

"I like my women like I like my coffee, ground up and in the freezer"

So I wonder why I stayed 9 years...  I've been. Afraid to leave with no help. 

He was my ride to anyone's house... and I had and still have no way out.

He's at his GFs house.

He didn't tell me Friday about an inspection the following Thursday cuz he didn't trust me with his things... But he trusts me now that inspection is over, and he goes to his gf?

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