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Basque in the Luxuriousness that is Posh!!

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Tuesday, November 23, 2021



My life scattered in pieces like the wreckage from a tornado, 

Who would have know this is where my life would go.

No control over any aspect of my future, living almost a quarter of my life with a fucking moocher.

no time to think, process, or even consider my reactions.

Decisions made for me without me in concideration. 

Assuming they know what's best for me, but not caring how I feel, who cares what I'm feeling.

When a guy for years won't even let you pick the song on the radio, then you turn away from him and says you're the heartbreaker. 

When he wakes up before you, and then goes for his second cup of coffee even before you've had your first.

Then when he takes up your space and won't give you privacy is the absolute worst.

When you just want to break free, and he keeps spinning you on that wheel for how many years, weeks, days? Dangling cheese making you think that maybe things will be different in ways.

When you Know where your life is leading you, but no one there to help you stand,  you hit a brick wall, 

Like a tornado sent you there, just threw you there, Smash, Crash, & Fall. ™

°keep coming back here too, huh? If I know you use my work to inspire you, do I GET PAID? Or is ASKING just a lost cause?

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