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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Getting Bullied in the Carterverse

Getting Bullied in the Carterverse

I had temporarily blocked him during Valentine’s Day because I don’t do Valentine’s very well, so this was Valentine’s weekend trip  feb 19-24th 

(Also Conception Weekend)

It was only for a day or so, and I told him before hand that I’d be back in a day or 2, he was fine I think cuz he was back to saying hi in lives when i came back and pinning comments for a short time

Nicole @Protectthelion was a whole different story, I'm not floating down that river right now... 




     belittling right?
I don’t EXIST? this how you talk to Aaron’s fans MEL? 
I know it’s YOU...
WTF is this?
RUDE much, 
you need a serious attitude adjustment... 

(actually the post they have up was 4 weeks old, that HUMMER there... I have that picture somewhere too, but I don't have it here...  (check back later I may find and post by then)
how did they have the account only 2 weeks if their first post was 4 weeks old...)

ALSO they had ADDED me BEFORE my going private (which was 2 weeks earlier, meaning I DIDN'T have to accept them for them to follow me)

I SENT this info to Aarons Dms, and @LMG_philantropy... (minus the one about them following Kurt)

I was blocked by @lmg_philanthropy soon after a powerful "don't worry about them, fight back" response...

Soon AFTER I notice MEL trying to call out someone ELSE for the Vandal account... little did she know I KNEW it wasn't who she thought it was... 

sorry Vandal The DJ wasn’t Randilynn

It’s You Melly

THERE'S a Spot...

Now who is this... more belittling because I ask why they want to follow me


Later, like maybe 20 minutes  later Cheesyrolls_ is now someone named Brianne 

Considering my page has been on PRIVATE how would you know, BUDDY??

Mel or Minion... (this is basically how I’ve been treated by multiple accounts just for asking “why do you want to follow me?”)

More accounts that blocked me for asking @lillys_tarot & @Empath_Ascension also blocked me for nearly asking
 “why do you want to follow me” (I doubt their involved but you never know)

With CHEESYROLLS I was already kinda fed up beyond compare so I was a bit aggressive but NOT rude enough to laugh at me and belittle me. How would you know my page sucks if I’m ON PRIVATE AND I never let you follow me... HMMM?!

Here are some of whom shes following...

Here are some of whom she's following...
interesting NO friends, just Branding...

OHHH someone from Jersey Shore? Who likes Jersey Shore? There's a Spot

Loves body shaming people and they follow Eugenia Cooney... I don’t feel comfortable with this..
 and Bitch Rising...

@aaronmelanie4ever theres her PAGE... OH my goodness, someone stalking me has a stalker page connected to another stalker page... cute.... one that makes your ego look like the good year blimp...   
more like #washyourhands  & have a slice of #humblepie

There she is!!! There’s a spot!!! @aaronmelanie4ever again... her “worship the relationship” account... she even trolls her own page...  πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ #imsoperfect


think I can't tell your connections woman?


whatcha bitchin about BAAABE?

His Fans not kissing your ass enough? Even the people who DON'T like you, who just kiss your ass publically...


btw, should I? lmfao

“OH HI MEL, YOU LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL I love your Nails, Your Jackets, your HAIR, Your Life” = “please don't block me”

(If you can’t tell, Mels post always tags herself whether she’s in it or not, food, dogs, whatever, make it look like she’s more important)

Just now I was blocked by Aarons account 

(Now it’s been over a month now, I still don’t like her, I don’t care)

Can’t take his music from me

Then this happened

Bye Christopher... I liked you...

Here is a Special Treat, Baby Cub Harassing Aarons Trainer? (former trainer? I really don't know I've missed a couple lives figuring all this BABY CUB mischief out)


I guess it was later deleted, but EWW WHAT KIND OF LANGUAGE IS THIS??? 

very DEGRADING, kinda how I was treated by Vandal the DJ


and to someone AARON is WORKING with... do you do this to all the people he works with behind his back? 

THIS is what is POSSIBLY masked by none other than MEL. seems a little abusive. and to people Aaron is in BUSINESS with... NOW... it VERY well could be XTINA, but I think it's BOTH XTINA & Mel and maybe someone else....

Notice XTINA hasn’t been around awhile, at least from what I’m told, I’m not in his lives anymore. 

  someone else on instagram who ALSO refused to give me reason they want to follow. but on a different account. 

It's a simple question, I've had plenty of very nice people get through with flying colors. Why be so NASTY and Judgemental? and Narcissistic? My account's on private, it's my business who I want to let through, so please fuckin be KIND when someone already on PRIVATE asks you a simple question. remember, you're NOT ENTITLED to follow me, or anyone. especially if you don't know me.

Now, I’d someone is rude to me, calls me paranoid, or belittles me, or I get immediately blocked, I know she’s connected. 

June 20th

Then @lmg_skittlezgang insisted I let them follow me and made me feel like shit when I didn’t really want to let them. made me feel guilty for not letting them follow me. Repeatedly

They insisted They’re not gonna start trouble, THEN they Used My dms to supposedly 

 “out my hatred for a narcissistic abuser”

That’s not new. literally EVERYONE knows I don’t like her and I refuse to kiss her disgusting lying ass.

The Very next day @butterfly99347

Told me (on my fan account, not the main account that was Posted of dms...)

“someone posted your dms, and I thought it was wrong.”

I told them I wasn’t interested in new followers and they said they just want to talk about Aaron. 


So they also made me feel guilty for not letting them follow... but I followed them to see who they were following...

They were following Mels Make Up Page @melaniemartinx

So I played along. They talked shit about Mel, I’m not holding back cuz what I said was true. 

She’s rude, hateful, abusive, insecure af. And she NEVER liked me Even when I LIKED HER at first...

I kept getting told “it’s not right she blocked you” and “ you sure it was her?”

“I said I don’t really care”

If he did it that’s his business not the rest of the world. 

I’m not here for clout. 


@defilinski on Twitter.

Had posted that SAME set of dms, saying I’m some girl Aaron’s “dropping”

Considering we’ve never met, how would Aaron “drop me”

I defended myself to @defilinski and reported his post about me, and then he BLOCKED ME, so he could no doubt keep talking shit without me knowing, little does he know, I know when he posts about me anyway... I don’t need Twitter to see when Michael talks shit about me... I got my ways without twitter

He’s posted at least 4 posts linked to me somehow... I really wonder what they say...

(The next portion is older info, but I couldn’t copy and paste to edit it)

I blocked Mel in October after their breakup. I had sent her a “hug” when I liked her,

But after I sent it, I found out the stuff about jail, HITTING AND SCRATCHING him, faking a pregnancy, using fake pregnancy to excuse your abusive behavior ( what caused the jail time)  and the fake miscarriages.

That’s when I blocked her and never unblocked her. 

and If I block YOU, you have to have DONE  or Said something HORRIBLE to me or someone that I care about. 

Not because "I don't like you" I'm not that petty.

LIKE I couldn't figure out you take turns on your baby cub account. I noticed Aaron left you there all alone and baby cub showed to chat while XTINA was there this time... Interesting MEL

There was MORE proof that I couldn't screenshot... I'm just waiting for the next opportunity if it's even needed after this.. 

I got you though...

Basically ANYONE who gives a fuck about Aaron & FAKING liking MEL, or SUCKING up cuz you don't want to get BLOCKED for STANDING UP FOR HIM... 

 is basically HURTING him more...
FUCK YOU for letting him sit there in pain!

YOU are keeping him in a horrifically abusive relationship, SHES letting you cuz she loves it... SHES FAKING ALL of you and you just LET her... 

AARON is in Pain. 
SHE doesn't LOVE him.
THE KISSES are FAKE... she PLANS HER OWN ROMANTIC SHIT cuz HIS would be a bit less made for tv corporate cliche...
little more depth. A LOT MORE DEPTH.


& THIS happened on my BIRTHDAY

So basically, they used this disabled girl. They made her think Aaron doxxed her, when my theory is that MEL doxxed her to make Aaron look bad.
I’m not finished posting stuff here, I lace LOTS more, just no way to screenshot or edit anymore. This is the draft you get til I can work on it more

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