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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Gaslighting Aaron Carter...a Myth?

This whole page is a mess cuz I posted before finishing because I’ve had limited access to adding and editing

After the incident the other day & continued harassment and involuntary clout and blocking I figure I’d say my part of this story now since they DRAGGED me back  in without warning when I’ve LEFT IT ALONE SINCE BEING BLOCKED
(Only vague comments here and there that no one would get)

Sorry if these videos don’t work or don’t have explanations. They will soon

13 weeks pregnant?

(The following in purple is from ME, and the rest in black is from sourced websites.

What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder


Now, I don't KNOW this is Mel, but I think it could be one of her MANY little pages that she makes...

Says Mel is Perfection and #BETTERTHANYOU HMMM a little egocentric. Or over idolizing if it’s a fan... "celebs" aren’t perfect. No one is... unless you’re a narcissist. that's a little Telling there... also I see #coupleoftheweek #excited 

GIRL those damn SPOTS are SHOWING...

here's a few more from the same person  and another account you look at the hashtags and comments and tell me what you think...

again I don't KNOW this is her, but I think it is...

WHO you trying to GET to MEL? WHY be so mean?

there was ALSO a page I saw way back. It had a photo of a cute red head girl with a big smile, and Aaron was with her captioned "Aarons always been a BIG Fan of his BIGGER fans"... I don’t know who’s post it was but it was rude af.
Remember Mel loves to fat shame , she even likes to fat shame Aaron 😭😩

I wonder who would do that.

Anyone with body insecurities to make herself seem #betterthanyou

Mel talks about herself and the relationship #couplegoals #coupleoftheweek where’s Aaron in these couples pics? Where are your clothes in these shots? Publicly,  a couple photo has a couple of people. The only couple I see is in your bra. 

Some of these posts even say her location... I wonder where?  

SHE rests her head on his shoulder but before she can, his hand goes up and pushes her away... he doesn't feel comfortable with her this was 43 weeks ago

and another which looks like shes setting Aaron up to look like an abuser

Do THESE 2 people look alike? look at the avatar?

now look at the next avatar... this account, I believe, is used for Mel making Aaron look bad (Mel put the dogs in the crate for a gaslight Aaron photo op and for stalking Viktoria)


IN what way does this prove ANYTHING LADY? cuz she responded and asked you to leave her alone? You just prove your harassment of her...  and


Now she’s doing the same to me

(oh and update, @aaroncarterstalkers on instagram? following Viktoria t)

I believe she took these photos. Dogs are props to her

Not family. Aaron’s dogs love him b Zelda was on alert when Mel was stalking him and she’s always on guard 

Where are these props Melanie? At Your Moms, allegedly? that's what I hear... ? 
I see people abusing Aaron online about HIS dogs... I don't see any of your dogs with him... he still has Nala Luna and Zelda, now Fozzy (I can’t bring myself to call him by Mels given name, Mufasa...should be Link, maybe i'll call him Rhett who knows. If Nala’s a pug, MUFASA should be too. If Zelda is a German shepherd, the Only SENSIBLE name For HIM IS WHAT? Say it with me folks...
sorry not sorry)

But Seriously, why harass Aaron When MELS dogs are the ones abused and missing?

What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior characterized by self-centeredness, lack of empathy, and an exaggerated sense of self-importance.


Some of the symptoms associated with NPD include:1

  • Belief that one is unique or special and should only associate with other people of the same status
  • Constant need for attention, affirmation, and praise
  • Exaggerated sense of one's own abilities and achievements
  • Exploiting other people for personal gain
  • Feeling envious of others, or believing that others are envious of them
  • Lack of empathy for others
  • Persistent fantasies about attaining success and power
  • Preoccupation with power or success
  • Sense of entitlement and expectation of special treatmen

People with narcissistic personality disorder are typically described as arrogant, conceited, self-centered, and haughty. Because they imagine themselves as superior to others, they often insist on possessing items that reflect a successful lifestyle.

Despite this exaggerated self-image, they are reliant on constant praise and attention to reinforce their self-esteem. As a result, those with narcissistic personality disorder are usually very sensitive to criticism, which is often viewed as a personal attack.


An official diagnosis can only be made by a qualified mental health professional and requires that the individual show impairments in personality functioning in various domains, including a grandiose sense of self-importance as well as interpersonal difficulties with attention-seeking, empathy, and intimacy.

Impairments in personality function and expression of personality traits must also be stable over time and across different situations; must not be typical for the individual's culture, environment, or stage of development; and must not be due to the direct influence of substance use or a general medical condition.


While the exact cause is unknown, researchers have identified some factors that may contribute to the disorder. Some early life experiences are thought to contribute to narcissistic personality disorder, including:

  • Abuse or trauma
  • Excessive praise
  • Lack of an authentically validating environment
  • Parental overindulgence
  • Unreliable parenting

Genetics and biology are also thought to play a considerable role, although the exact causes are likely complex and varied.8

I am NOT a Doctor, so I cannot make any Diagnosis. BUT I FUCKIN READ A LOT & WATCH A LOT OF INFORMATIONAL VIDEOS... & I can see the shit going on here

I can spot a a FUCKIN lie, deceit pretty well now. 

I know when people are UNCOMFORTABLE too.. and she makes Aaron feel VERY uncomfortable. (including the video in which she fed Zelda raw meat and then put her hands all over Aaron and his face and food and she didn't wash her hands first... that made ME EXTREMELY uncomfortable.)

GIRL wash your fuckin hands... you worked in food service and a fuckin bar... you know these things... Aaron is excused from proper food handling standards cuz hes been traveling around the fuckin world making money WRITING, SINGING, PRODUCING and shit...  ALL WHILE MAKING his own food at home cuz you didn't want to... WASH your Hands girl. 

I will link this again or post videos when I can 

(Videos at the top of this page where hes eating she’s got raw meat on her hands touching his food and face )

Most guys aren't into THAT kinda DIRTY...

The controlling partner will begin to sprinkle a little gaslighting 
into exchanges quite early on in the relationship. 

"this is harassment"

“You’re embarrassing me”

Acting like his actual feelings and questioning things that happened "NEVER happened", "what photos you saw in my dms that you can prove? I don't know what you're talking about"

 especially sending dirty photos & promising things. And changing names is cheating. His story has only ever changed to PROTECT her. She wouldn't do the same in return.

Then saying "YOU'RE EMBARRASSING ME", this is HARASSMENT... sorry, getting called out for things you did and YOU pretending it didn't happen is NOT harassment. its getting called out.  That’s what narcissists do

 I've been treated like this & I have desperately wanted to PROVE it was happening, multiple times. 

HELL I even saw myself picking up tendencies FROM the people that abused me.

THAT'S when I started NOTICING all the stuff they do. NO MORE. I DON'T THINK SO. I will NOT be like that.   

I would rather trust the people I care about than hurt them, I'd only hope the same for anyone in my life about me.  

Gaslighting examples

  • Trivializing. They minimize your feelings, suggest your emotions don’t matter, or accuse you of overreacting.
  • Countering. They question your memory, make up new details, or deny that something happened. They might blame you for the situation instead.
  • Withholding. They brush off your attempts to have a discussion or accuse you of trying to confuse them.
  • Diversion. When you bring up a concern about their behavior, they change the subject or turn it back on you by suggesting you’re making it up.
  • Forgetting or denying. When you mention a specific event or something they said, they might say they can’t remember or tell you it never happened at all.
  • Discrediting. They suggest to other people that you can’t remember things correctly, get confused easily, or make things up. This can threaten your career when it happens at work.

(literally EVERYone of these happens in the video above)

Gaslighting In Relationships

Perhaps the most common use of gaslighting is by one partner in a couple. Those in the relationship might insist to the outside world that it is loving and intimate, but it is anything but. Indeed, the very use of this form of manipulation rules out true love and affection.

*The controlling partner will begin to sprinkle a little gaslighting into exchanges quite early on in the relationship

Common Gaslighting Lines

“You are attacking me” 

(or how she says "this is harassment")

“You’re embarrassing me”

“You’re overreacting/emotional/crazy”

“You’re betraying me”

“You’re being unfair/unreasonable”

Gaslighting Behavior

As in the movie, the perpetrator often acts concerned and kind to dispel suspicions. Someone capable of persistent lying and manipulation is also quite capable of being charming and seductive. Often the relationship begins that way. When the gaslighting starts, you might even feel guilty for doubting a person you’ve come to trust. To further play with your mind, an abuser might offer evidence to show that you’re wrong or question your memory or senses. More justification and explanation, including expressions of love and flattery, are concocted to confuse you and reason away any discrepancies in the liar’s story. You get temporary reassurance, but you increasingly doubt your own senses, ignore your gut, and become more confused.

The person gaslighting you might act hurt and indignant or play the victim when challenged or questioned. Covert manipulation can easily turn into overt abuse, with accusations that you’re distrustful, ungrateful, unkind, overly sensitive, dishonest, stupid, insecure, crazy, or abusive. Abuse might escalate to anger and intimidation with punishment, threats, or bullying if you don’t accept the false version of reality.

Deflecting Blame

When you ask a gaslighter a question or call them out for something they did or said, they may change the subject by asking a question instead of responding to the issue at hand. They may blatantly lie about the situation by saying something like: 

"You're making things up.

 That never happened."


“Stop I don’t want to talk about this” 

Shifting Blame

Blame-shifting is another common tactic of gaslighters. Every discussion you have is somehow twisted to where you are to blame for something that occurred. Even when you try to discuss how their behavior makes you feel, they're able to twist the conversation and end up blaming you.

In other words, they manipulate the situation in such a way that you end up believing that you are the cause for their bad behavior. They claim that if only you behaved differently, they would not treat you the way that they do.

Denying Wrongdoing

Bullies and abusers are notorious for denying that they did anything wrong. They do this to avoid taking responsibility for their poor choices. But it also leaves the victim of gaslighting confused and frustrated because there is no acknowledgment of the pain they feel. This denial also makes it very hard for the victim to move on or to heal from the bullying or abusiveness.


What is Stonewalling?

Someone who stonewalls avoids engaging in discussion, problem-solving, or cooperating. They may sit sullenly and silently while you become more and more frantic because you don't feel heard. Or they might dismiss everything you say as if you're boring, unreasonable, or "making a big deal out of nothing." While you try to address concerns, a person who is stonewalling acts like you're not important or have nothing valuable to say to them.

When Someone is Using Stonewalling Behavior Towards You

Stonewalling can be obvious at times. Sometimes, though, you might not realize what your partner is doing when they stonewall you. Here are some of the symptoms of stonewalling in a relationship:

  • You start serious conversations by criticizing your partner.
  • Your partner ignores you when you speak.
  • Your partner is suddenly busy with something else whenever you want to talk seriously.
  • Your partner refuses to make eye contact with you.
  • Your partner rolls their eyes.
  • Your partner speaks very little, and when they do speak, it's usually to defend themselves and blame you.
  • You experience physiological symptoms like increased heart rate when your partner won't listen to you.
  • Your partner dismisses your concerns without listening to them.
  • Your partner makes fun of your concerns.
  • Your partner refuses to take responsibility for their stonewalling.

Also known as The Silent Treatment...

Stonewalling is a form of abuse

Flying Monkeys

Head Flying Monkey 

Baby Cub AKA
Wifey Cub AKA
Gretchen Weiners


Aaron Samuels?  Aaron Carter...



Narcissists Use Flying Monkeys


May 9 2020

Block Party


Notice here that Victoria is telling Mel over and over that a big fan got blocked by Aarons Account and to please help. also notice Baby cub was BLOCKED by Victoria... I wonder what she’s hiding from her friend, and also not responding to friends cuz she’s on

(Jess ALSO can't see Victoria)

Well Victoria blocked me way back after being SUPER fuckin nice to me (even sending me birthday wishes a day EARLY, I don't get why anyone kept thinking my birthday is the 22nd... Multiple. my birthday is as easy to remember as 1-2-3)

 and then Victoria Vanishes, TWICE (yeah she blocked me twice, She no longer has me blocked but she's not following me anymore)

THEN when she blocked me again, she had made a new account, when tried to request she ignored it. So I washed my hands of her, EVEN after I defended her when people BULLIED her and tried to doxx her and told her ROTTEN evil things.  At this point I was DONE with her.

(yeah she blocked me twice, She no longer has me blocked but she's not following me anymore)

Remember she's Mels Buddy, she was there for MEL when Aaron & Mel Broke Up. In October? Before I knew how bad this all... when I liked her

I snooped on that LIVE for 5 minutes and noticed how sweet Victoria was. THAT'S why I added her originally, because she seemed like a good person who was kind & non judgemental and GOOD TO AARON... I don't believe all as much anymore.

ALSO NOTICE "Aarons" new Deleting spree that VICTORIA Was one of the last left remaining fans (only follows 3 fans now, MELS buddy Victoria Honeycutt is one of them. I USED to think Victoria was good to AARON. apparently she just wants mel to like her just like Nicole... Nicole was fake though and then turned on Aaron when she got no more attention...)

and Victoria (and Nicole) BLOCKED ME and my FAN account...

for telling I was gonna expose BABY CUB...


See, here Mel is using the baby cub name to talk to xtina. When baby cub is there, One of them is always missing. I believe they have a third person now, possible Brazilian surrogate? She IS supposedly pregnant, and Aaron DID just give Mel a big chunk of money , most surrogates receive anywhere from  20k -50k  (like his recent gift to her)

More harassment to me, I’m no stalker like you Melly Boo

Pretending to defend me, but XTINA blocked me  10 weeks earlier for telling her about Vandal and others harassing me and blocking me

She told me not to worry about others blocking me.  Then she immediately blocked me. Next baby cub shows up, blocking me from the beginning.
I didn’t realize That XTINA had blocked me til Baby Cub and the Dreamcatcher incident.

  1. 1.
    (of an animal or force of nature) fierce, violent, and uncontrolled.
    "packs of savage dogs roamed the streets"

  2. 2.
    (of something bad or negative) very great; severe.
    "the decision was a savage blow for the town"
  1. 1.
    a brutal or vicious person.
    "the mother of one of the victims has described his assailants as savages"
  1. (especially of a dog or wild animal) attack ferociously and maul.
    "ewes savaged by marauding dogs"
    tear to pieces

May 9 2021 

Aaron CHANGED his profile to say NOTHING but his link...

This has happened multiple times in the last few months...

2 hours later someone sent me this...

in case you may have FORGOTTEN in those 2 hours...

guess what had to be changed again...

Is it good to control your partner’s social media?

The answer to this question without a doubt is no. Control within a relationship isn’t healthy. If an individual tries to coerce his partner into behaving within social networks the way he wants, he takes away freedom. It’s even a type of psychological aggression.

Additionally, social networks aren’t responsible for jealousy problems arising in a relationship. It’s clear that this type of media helps people get together easier. However, it depends exclusively on if the person willingly enters a prohibited relationship.

This is the sign of a DEFLATED relationship
Balloons that DEFLATE
Flowers that DIE
and Cupcakes that just end up... in the toilet.
and she bought it herself. this is a Corporate Cliche Gift... 

Is there a solid gift Hand MADE? Something PERSONAL? that maybe can last forever
He doesn't need to spend money on gifts, his WORDS are a gift. his LYRICS are a gift. 

THESE WORDS are NOT Aaron....

sorry honey... 

he writes better than this when he's DRUNK, and High...... 

I just want you to know @missmelaniemartin 
my love, my life, my light
when it's dark and my sunshine when it rains... (she did that to try to fit the "sunny" persona I'm sure...)
 my darling you are the best thing that ever happened to me... (you mean the woman that abused him, went to JAIL for it, stole $10,000, along with buying things  while hes sleeping and uses his credit card, stalked any and every person he talks to online, harasses business associates, trashes his music, yeah best thing to ever happen to him....

Like a robot and no punctuation, spacing 
“you are special you are loved you have a personality that just captivated (past tense, meaning not anymore, i think the word you meant was "captivates", yet.. you were right on the money...) a room and every time you that I’m CAPTIVATED by you”

She heard some words from his live and tried to parrot him

Captivated (and uses it incorrectly, and twice in the same sentence)
And Storms were his used words in his live that day
(To make it look like he said it)

(June 2 was my last time able to use internet and edit this page)

why gaslighters accuse you gaslighting

The gaslighter uses these tactics in order to get “revenge” or gain control over you.

Gaslighting tactics include:

  • Blatantly lying.
  • Splitting — pitting you against a friend or family member.
  • Working to align others against you.
  • Telling others that you are crazy, unstable, or manipulative.
  • Lying about things they said and did, even though you swear those things happened.
  • Telling you they don’t like your family and friends — but for vague reasons.

Many gaslighters...:

  • Cheat in relationships, yet accuse their victims of cheating.
  • Accuse their victims of being addicts, when they are the true addicts.
  • Accuse their victims of manipulation, when they are the ones who manipulate.

Gaslighters will accuse others of these actions even when there is direct evidence that they are engaging in the same behaviors. Why do gaslighters do this? They are making pre-emptive strikes and/or projecting.

Cyber Stalking

Cyber Narcissists

Physical Stalking

Virtual Stalking


People with personality disorders, such as narcissistic personality disorder or antisocial personality disorder, may use gaslighting as a way to control spouses, children, co-workers, or any other relationship where the person with a character disorder feels vulnerable. Psychologist Stephanie Sarkis, PhD, describes some of the warning signs of gas lighting: “They deny they ever said something, even though you have proof. You know they said they would do something; you know you heard it. But they out and out deny it. It makes you start questioning your reality — maybe they never said that thing.” Since gaslighting is usually only one symptom of a much bigger problem, other noteworthy behaviors include:

  • The ability to charm during the early stage of a relationship.
  • Using pity as a mechanism to trigger guilt.
  • Extreme anger over anything rejection related.
  • Stalking. Whether online, in the car, or in person, this behavior is often found with those who gaslight.

(hear his voice? it's ACTUALLY fucked up. like, he’s  actually in pain, and people just MOCKED him cuz, she choked him, and scratched and punched him in the face the night he got his tooth worked on...

(XTINA says she just threw a wrapper at him... that’s why she went to jail I got screenshots I just can’t post yet)

I was on his live for part of that dentist visit. not very long though.  When I went back into it later, around October (just before i blocked her), and found that the dentist visit and the day she attacked him and was arrested was around the same time.

In MANY cases I find people calling HIM a bully because he's FEELING BETRAYED by someone who isn't trustworthy. and who continuously lies and manipulates others to believe HER not HIM.

SURE he's FUCKED up before, he admits it. 

SHE won't admit the manipulative mean shit she does, and people continue to remain silent ostriches and LET him stay in this misery.

Maybe he’s afraid of being HONEST because shes made it so NO ONE BELIEVES HIM and when they DO they get SHUT OUT AND BLOCKED...

Like me

Narcissistic trait, belittling, denying and accusing others of your own faults to keep the pressure off you.
You’re a stalker Melanie, for you recorded. Didn’t you admit to stalking him for 7 days? (And any womann he gives even a minute of attention to, or that she thinks is prettier than her maybe)

See how she calls them Moron And Ding Dong

How many accounts do you have  Melanie?

Accusing people of stalking, maybe cause you keep BLOCKING HER OUT OF HIS LIFE. It’s up to AARON IF HE WANTS TO TALK TO someone. You Can’t just act like he’s your dog and tell him who to talk to and control him. Maybe If you weren’t so controlling and abusive and manipulative, and keep him from people who CARE about him, maybe would wouldn’t need to be so insecure about your place in his life. 
Confidence is sexy.)
How many accounts do you have Melanie?

I got my main one, my fan Aaron Carter fan page, my Taylor Swift fan page, my business page, my clothing and accessories page of the shit I DESIGNED,  unlike you’re leaching onto HIS love brand not yours (hehe) 
And then my newest one from 18 weeks ago (just to see if I’ve been blocked by other lmg that harass me, oh and I posted some of the racist fat shaming you have on your profile, and ones stating you want a doormat for a partner too.
 I don’t go to his lives on it, I don’t stalk, I don’t push. I’m just existing
I was also harassed on my secret account once by a Mel like troll.

How many do you have, Mel?
 I know your troll account is @liv.hartly (one of them anyways)
It’s cute to have an account to check someone out and get to know them, but when you start belittling people over your own insecurities and nonstop harassing them and attacking them emotionally (emotionally rape my wicked friend)

See how she belittles people and calls them MORON & DING DONG?


Mels Dogs leg broke & she begs for money, wheres her dog now? which dog is that? hmm I think your mom has the remaining LIVING dogs. DOGS ARE NOT PROPS. you have to TAKE CARE of them. FEED THEM (AND wash your HANDS afterwards)

Making Excuses for the Abuser...

"She was pregnant, she had hormones, that's why she strangled, punched in the face, and scratched"

and did some of this aggressive behavior in front of the police (which is why she was taken in)

Carrying Miscarried or Lied & Tied

More to come here

Breaking Up

Times he was uncomfortable with Mel
#truelove #marriedatfirstsight 

#couplegoals #coupleoftheweek
#manipulation #pregnancytrap

@aaronmelanie4ever-Tell us the amazing lengths our QUEEN @missmelaniemartin would go for love 💕 🤢🤮

"Gold diggers will sometimes try to trap you into a relationship with a pregnancy. Even if you don't get married, becoming the father of a child means you are responsible for child support."...

and want proof of lying? touching your nose...
that was back in JUNE before the Engagement... 
watch that too 


#truelove #trapswithpregnancy #couplegoals #shesnotasinnocentasshelooks

 Think about their tendencies to joke or prank other people

Okay. So we always have that friend who is into all kinds of fun and games. If the personality of that person is most likely inclined to the crazy or amusing side of things, you may want to maintain a little healthy skepticism. Especially if having a baby is sort of a big deal among your circle of friends, this could be just a silly game.

See definitions in:
  1. 1.
    not guilty of a crime or offense.
    "the arbitrary execution of an innocent man"
    not guilty
    not to blame
    in the clear
    above suspicion
    beyond criticism
    without fault
    squeaky clean
  2. 2.
    not responsible for or directly involved in an event yet suffering its consequences.
    "an innocent bystander"
  1. 1.
    a pure, guileless, or naive person.
    "she was an innocent compared with this man"
    unworldly person
    naive person
    babe in arms
  2. 2.
    a person involved by chance in a situation, especially a victim of crime or war.
    "they are prepared to kill or maim innocents in pursuit of a cause"

And now I can’t access my BLOGGER TO FINISH THIS POST..... more details soon

Theres a spot at the end, (timestamped on youtube) but the VERY last thing Aaron talks about is her many stalker pages like the ones she attacks me on, and others... that you see above and on my other pages.

your spots are clear... 


(as shown above)

AARON Carter and Melanie Martin are engaged, just days after they revealed their pregnancy ended in miscarriage.AARON Carter and Melanie Martin are engaged, just days after they revealed their pregnancy ended in miscarriage.

The singer announced the news on Instagram on Friday, posting a picture of the blonde's diamond engagement ring.

Falsifying pregnancy and LEGAL ramifications, At least in Idaho... but probably in many other states as well...

And your sonogram is not... 
compare that to some of the “fakes” you can purchase”

13 weeks pregnant?
She doesn’t look much different than mid march. I know her entire pregnancy calendar. She is 13 weeks 1 day. The unlucky bulge I see is pocket. 

13 weeks pregnant?

She doesn’t look much different to ME personally. I know her entire pregnancy calendar. She is 13 weeks 1 day as of May 14 2021. The unlucky bulge I see is pocket. 

This does not look 13 weeks to me, I don't know. I'm not a doctor

I'm not your Seahorse
I'm Not Your Surrogate 

I wonder who is...

15 weeks 3 days????

Where's the Melly belly?

See how she awkwardly shifts so no one can see

Watch her how she tries to hide her belly and he tries to get her on SCREEN... 


Take an Etiquette Class, a Self Love course 
for these Jealous insecurities.

He's treated you far better than you EVER treated him, and you only dug him deeper into the ground. 

The Break Up

(bad boy breeze had the PERFECT video, cute af too, and would have been the PERFECT tell of her spots, but he took it down, suspicious af 😂...)

Stuttering & inconsistencies.
When someone is lying, they usually have a hard time coming up with coherent answers and their lies will be full of contradictions, so watch what they say and how they say it, if it doesn't add up and the person is stuttering more than usual then this a clear sign that they're lying.

Changing the subject is easy for people who are lying to want to do because it takes the heat off of them. If you're talking about something else, you can't focus as much on the lie just told you and there's less of a chance that you'll immediately figure it out.

THESE are the fake fans that Aaron has to deal with EVERY DAY.
Feels like Paid Bullying, or just a miserable dude who hates his own life and needs to take out his own insecurities on Aaron... 
There's no pity party, there's only FACTS

(he's being kind, you're kind of a fuckin dick, dude are you overcompensating for something?)

cuz you're in here to harass him on your day off... 
what you listen to one song he sang as a child and all of a sudden you're an expert on Aaron Carter the Man, I don't fuckin THINK so... NO ONE knows Aaron like Aaron 
(well, I can guarantee I know a LOT more than YOU do 😅...) 


FOR FAKING PREGNANCY and miscarriage especially if she receives money or gifts for the fake baby,  by the “father” or anyone especially if they’re fooled into believing it.

(Didn’t he give her $20k for mamma expenses?)

So not 2 days passed before she takes down her baby gift registry on Amazon link from her Instagram page (before putting it back On private)
I wonder why
It now just has AARONS apparel line
(With a new story that has HER NEW APPAREL, cuz she’s yoinking his income any way she can)

So is Gaslighting AC a MYTH?
I don't FUCKIN think so

P.S. Melanie is just MEANIE WITHOUT THE L

Whether he Follows me or not, this is all the truth. 

She’s a nightmare and she’s GOT THE WHOLE INTERNET fooled and scared to cross her. EXCEPT SOME RANDOM STRAGGLER-FANS AND the trolls seem to be on it too. Well I’M NOT afraid either 

MORE to come... 

(Please look at my Bullied in the Carterverse post too)

#aaroncarter #abuse #abuser #carterverse #missmelaniemartin #melaniemartin #narcissisticabuse #narcissisticpersonalitydisorder #npd #flyingmonkeys 

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