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Saturday, December 4, 2021

Why can't some answer a question?

 So my ex is here counting rent money .. Something he doesn't contribute too.

We're already short til tomorrow, but I ask him if we should put money on our laundry card. He goes into griping at me about why don't I JUST make the decisions, why does he have to say anything at all. I said as a partner (even ex, we still live together), people share responsibility of bills & decision making of the household. He doesn't say anything. I said "you do know how to be an adult, right? Pay bills? Adulting. ? He runs off insulted like I called him a child. I tell him. " I DIDN'T ask you if you know how to be a grown MAN, I asked if you know how to be an ADULT" THERE'S a difference.

Then I go to his closed door, something in this home I don't get, he DOESN'T pay bills, but I don't get a door to close, he gets 2... 

So I go to his door, and ask him "ok , in your last relationships, did YOU pay bills or did your exes.?"

 He yells at me that he won't answer my rude af attitude & insulting questions that he already walked away from. He continues to insult me, refusing to answer and calling me all kinds of mean things cuz he won't answer the questions...

Simple questions. Been with me for 8 years... He's never never paid rent more than 2 months.. He's been in a couple relationships B4 me, did he pay bills? How hard is that to answer? He's more insulted that he's embarrassed that he can't answer. 

Now that that is said...

Why Narcissist's never answer Questions

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