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Friday, August 3, 2018

Girl was Clueless, but Donald Not "Faised" Why are you?

A few days ago A girl was walking down the street when a CELEBRITY shows up and is excited about her shirt..... But the girl was "Clueless" to who he was... He thought it was a little funny that she was wearing his FACE on her shirt, but didn't know who he was. He asked if he could take a picture, and posted it on Instagram like most people would when they see or experience something funny during their day. Especially if it involves THEM personally. 

Girl wearing Clueless Shirt Clueless to who Donald Faison is. 

I first saw the article on Facebook. My boyfriend and I, having had grown up in the 90s (80s/90s) and being that I love Clueless, and my Random Recognizerness thought it was a bit amusing, but also felt bad for the poor girl. 

Apparently his humor in the situation brought on torment for her. He did NOT mean for her to get bullied, I am sure that was not his intention at all. 

The photo was taken down after many people took it upon themselves to cyber bully her. 

(no, not me Personally...)
 The photo was taken down because the teen was harassed about not recognizing a celebrity

Not cool guys! 

There is no need to start harassing her because she didn't know. Take the opportunity to Teach NOT Torment! BE KIND!

The poor Teenage girl was "Clueless", but Donald Not "Faised",  Why are you? 

hehe, see what I did there?

I do agree, If you wear something, you should know what you are wearing, Why you are wearing it?

If it's not because you like the band/movie/message, then why are you wearing it... Just think about that. There has been a long going term for that...   Poser.  I'm sorry, but if you do NOT know what you are wearing, or have a reason for it, people are going to ask, and a lot will judge. It's life, it happens. It isn't right, but still, it happens.  

If you like Nirvana, Wear their shirts...  If you ONLY know ONE song by Nirvana or asks "who is Kurt Cobain?" when they are Wearing a Nirvana Shirt...  people will not take you seriously. You buy the clothes, backpacks, jewelry because you LOVE the Meaning, The Band, The Film.  

But then there are some, like me growing up, who felt awkward in social situations, no matter what. Those who choose to mock people socially, no matter whose, "side" they are on isn't right. people are who they are!

 But we don't know the whole story!  

If this is a Hand Me Down, That's even worse! When you give something to someone, there should be meaning behind it. 

Sit down and Watch Clueless Together, Have Girls Night In, Movie and a Makeover THEN give your ?mother/daughter/sister/friend the tee shirt. It will mean so much more when Donald Faison runs up to them in the street! hehe

These days, we are Walking Billboards, whether we like it or not. 

**" We don't want to advertise our whereabouts more than we already have... DO WE... DAVID!?"

In turn. To all the people who are now turning on Donald for this whole thing. You don't need to cyber-bully Him, Just as they didn't need to cyber-bully her. 

Yes, she should have known who was on her shirt. Who knows, *there are people out there who can't recognize anyone at all, sometimes people they see every day. It's called ProsopagnosiaBrad Pitt may be one of the many who suffers from it, and people sometimes label them as rude, or disrespectful because they do not recognize people or have to ask where they met them. 

"So many people hate me because they think I'm disrespecting them," -Brad Pitt. The interview was for the June/July issue of Esquire.

Not everyone has the power of Super Recognition , and you don't know where people are coming from, you don't know everyone's story, so try not to be so cruel to people, ok? 

 She may not even Watch tv!!

You Just do NOT know! 

Not to mention, we are in the Mercury Retrograde right now... cloudy communication. Many misconceptions, and what not! Well, you can believe or not believe in it. But when you do, things like THIS pop out at you constantly!

*this is NOT how the situation was, this was in theory how it could have happened.  I am in no way connected to Donald Faison, or Clueless, or the girl. I am just a 90s girl. 

**Ps... Who can name the Random Movie Quote and what movie it is from? 

Heres a clue... it's NOT from Clueless!

#DonaldNotFaised #Clueless #FanShirt #Poser #Cyber-Bully #MovieAndAMakeover #CluelessAndPoshPampering #GirlsNightIn

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