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Friday, September 28, 2018

The Point of Chicken

Ok... so throughout my childhood, (I don't remember when it started) Someone I was with and I were laughing SO hard, we were at the point of tears and nothing could stop us from laughing. Every time we stopped to take a breath, we'd laugh even harder. They told me, (or maybe we made it up on the spot, at this point who knows!) that might be The Point of Chicken... when you laugh SO hard, that even the word Chicken becomes hilariously funny.  Maybe thats what we were laughing about for some reason...  Then, through the years, I used this term when I would get to that point with friends...  I am sure I have told several people, yet no one ever had heard it besides me and my friend. 

Well I had told my boyfriend years ago, he remembers me telling him... yet I went to go post something with a Hashtag, but #pointofchicken didn't exist! Has NO one EVER heard that? 

I got to the point of chicken TONIGHT watching this clip

Office Space is one of my Favorite movies of all time, and I Totally get this guy...  I am good with people, one on one when it's something I am interested in or I know it so well it is like second nature. NOT when my whole life/career is on the line. That's a LOT of pressure to try to explain why they should "Keep You Around" like you are disposable... 

But this was basically how we, especially I, was feeling when he got frustrated... how I feel sometimes when I am put on the spot. And with my anxiety, I don't have that great of a filter or a Grin and Bear it attitude.  

Anyway I was laughing so hard, the whole thing must have lasted 15 minutes where I kept busting up and my boyfriend was more amused with my reaction 

You see how that at the end, someone asks how many pounds they lost right now... nothing really even related to the specific joke, just the reaction... all was calm and then you hear more laughter about to explode again. 

 When the joke is over, no one is saying anything anymore, and then a roar of more laughter uncontrollably. 

This would be The Point of Chicken. 

To be my Favorite movie (for comedies especially) or show... I have to get to this point!

Here are "10 Celebrities at the Point of Chicken" or as they title it " 10 Celebrities who can't stop laughing"

I dare you to not laugh at least at a few of these...

I want to know if anyone else remembers this, or me telling about the phrase. Did you ever hear it again? Or did we just make it up? I would really like to know. I would like to see more of it too!#DayzGoals See people at the Point of Chicken, and maybe even see Jimmy Fallon (who is constantly putting people in a perpetual state of #PointofChicken) asking people for #PointofChicken videos. Not about chickens (unless someone is at the POINT of Chicken and the word chidown or the clucking really DOES make people laugh harder... That is ok! Just videos of people who can't stop laughing, That would be AWESOME!  

I want to hear your stories of being at the point of chicken! Show me your videos at your Chicken Point! 

Don't forget to Tag #PointOfChicken

Must be uncontrollable laughter to the point of tears, stomach pains, possible weight loss, and continuation of this until it hurts! The more breaks between laughter the better. I will make a Point Of Chicken Video when I find enough entries! I can't wait to see what you have!!

#ChickenPoint #ThePointOfChicken #PointOfChicken #lmao #LMFAO #PointOfTears #CantStopLaughing #OfficeSpace #MikeJudge #DayzFaves #PeopleSkills #Stress #UnderPressure #Anxiety #DayzGoals

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