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Saturday, July 17, 2021

Fake Prego Buddies? This was a Theory of Conspiracy

This is the connection to Melanie Martin & Celina Powell 

Being gold diggers

He goes along with her shit cus otherwise she gets VIOLENT, we all know shes gone to JAIL for HITTING and SCRATCHING him, but everyone seems to forget that...

Celina Likes Mel for Beating Aaron Up

She laughs at the fact that Mel beat Aaron up... now watch this... 

She's SUCH a good friend ๐Ÿ™„

 Celina Fakes PREGNANT

“This is MY SHOW” - really? 

It’s all for clout anyway, right?

I'M GUESSING THEY'RE FRIENDS now, cuz only within a few months a fake pregnancy STICKS.


All I did was search YOUTUBE for FAKING PREGNANT and I found CELINA... CUTE

also condones Stalking 

(show up at their house if they don’t want you, gotta keep him somehow)

& gold digging

"Lets go get our nails done, yeah He can PAY"


I already kinda didn't like her for LIKING MEL cuz she beat Aaron UP, she actually thought DOMESTIC ABUSE was HILARIOUS... that's NOT ok...

to AC...

Did YOU know your buddy Celina tried to scam OFFSET with a fake pregnancy before she became buddies with Mel and said beating you up was CUTE?

Your friend Celina doesn’t care about you, Aaron...

I know you like her AC, but she likes you to be used & abused... that's not a good friend. I’m sorry. 

Ladies And Gentleman, Aaron's Friend Celina Powell on Aaron Carter

There are people that will FIGHT for you without scamming you out of everything you have. 

She also put out a “why I faked a pregnancy” video to keep that clout going...

I’m sure she keeps you in her life for the same reason. 

You need GOOD people in your life...

These fake pregnant clout chasing gold digging women are how Not Real WOMEN act...


I can see her literally push her belly out when he lifts her shirt.. notice he keeps trying to Show Her belly off, for weeks, lifting her arm to show she had no belly in the car, and no pregnancy seat belt too, pregnant women need a special seatbelt cuz its uncomfortable otherwise....

 she keeps calling herself Fat. Pregnant women don’t often do this... most pregnant women would love to show off their belly, and not call themselves fat 

( unless their having a VERY bad day, not giggling in the kitchen cuz they don’t want to show their non pregnant belly...)

This looks like regular BLOATING to me. sorry. you can visibly see her push her stomach out as he lifts the shirt...

Oh and BTW, did you know MOST lipsticks Are TOXIC to "the baby" & women get special pregnancy lipsticks to not harm the baby?

This was posted today, 

(I may be blocked from lives, and I for damned sure blocked HER, but I have my ways to get this shit... people practically THROW it at me cuz they know I'll put it here on my blog)

Bet you don’t got any of the SPECIAL  PREGNANCY LIPSTICKS, do ya Mel?

cuz MOST real lipstick is BAD for the BABY...

So are Lip Fillers & Botox... Just so you know...

That brings me to my next point...

8 Red Flags this is a Pregnancy Trap

THE following is all from THIS link UP HERE ^^

8 Red Flags that Her Pregnancy is a Trap



Trap Red Flag #1. The pregnancy pulled you back from the brink.





If you were thinking about breaking up with her—the pregnancy might be a trap.

It may be more than a coincidence that your girlfriend or wife announced she was pregnant right after you broke up with her. You might not have actually made the declaration that you were breaking up out loud yet but she was getting the break-up vibe from you.

The pregnancy may be a preemptive move to cut off your chance of getting away.

Trap Red Flag #3. She has something to gain from being your baby momma.


If she will benefit in some way from the pregnancy—the pregnancy might be a trap.

A woman who has decided on her own that having your baby has some payoff for her and that that payoff trumps your desire to not have children right now is ripe for becoming your baby momma whether you’re up for it or not.

There are many potential pregnancy benefits that might motivate a woman to get pregnant accidentally-on-purpose. She may want to:

  • fulfill her dream to be a mom,

  • seal the deal on your relationship (even if Red Flag #1 doesn’t apply and things seem to be going well),

  • get you to support her directly or through child support,

Trap Red Flag #7. She’s not really pregnant.


If she says she’s pregnant but she’s not—there’s a really good chance the “pregnancy” is a trap.

Not all surprise announcements of “I’m pregnant” are actually accompanied by a pregnancy. Some are straight-up lies.

A man who was about to break up with his girlfriend was informed that she was pregnant (Red Flag #1). He felt he had to do the honorable thing and marry her. Fortunately, his mom became suspicious of the situation and encouraged him to go to doctor appointments with his girlfriend. The girlfriend couldn’t let that happen since she wasn’t really pregnant, so eventually, she had to spill the beans and admit it was a lie.

Unfortunately, there are a multitude of easily obtainable products to help women pull off the “You’re a daddy” Scam.

I had heard of women selling positive pregnancy tests on Craig’s List. To investigate this I googled fake positive pregnancy tests.

OMG! I was shocked by the results!

There is a whole industry churning out fake false positive pregnancy tests and that is just the beginning.

If you catch your girlfriend in the act of using fake pregnancy tests or fake paternity test results and she then tries to pass it off as a joke, you may be left wondering was it or wasn’t it. (Joke or no joke, do you really want to be with a woman who would try to con you in this way?)


Trap Red Flag #8. She has a conveniently timed miscarriage.

 If she suddenly isn’t pregnant anymore—the “pregnancy” might have been a trap.

A miscarriage may be a cover story for a pregnancy that never was.

Eventually, the lie is going to catch up with her. There is only so much time to run with a false pregnancy story. Something eventually has to happen. Either she has to start looking pregnant or she needs to end the “pregnancy.”

Women have been known to manufacture a bulging belly to keep the fake pregnancy story alive long enough to secure the trap on her man, but even that extreme measure can only take them so far.

The most common time for a pretend miscarriage to end a pretend pregnancy is after marriage or other commitment markers. You then may think you shouldn’da put a ring on it, but it’s now a much more difficult proposition to get away from her.

But then again, lots of real pregnancies end in miscarriage.

 To recap, here are the 8 Pregnancy Trap Red Flags

#1. The pregnancy pulled you back from the brink.

#2. You’ve made it clear you don’t want kids now. (we can all confirm he wants kids)

#3. She has something to gain from being your baby momma.

#4. She has a lame excuse for going off birth control.

#5. She seduced you.

#6. She convinced you to “go ahead, I can’t get pregnant today.”

#7. She’s not really pregnant.

#8. She has a conveniently timed miscarriage.

(March 7, hmmm that's the date she had her pregnancy test... interesting coincidence)

So you see how she says THAT'S NOT TRUE?, as in her DOCTOR says she isn't pregnant

THIS is what GASLIGHTING looks like...
they got PAPERWORK, THEY got PROOF, she counters it... with "That's Not True" even when doctors say it is...

 STILL MAINTAIN THAT She Didn't give birth... She walked up stairs QUICKLY the very next day after her c section, SHE SAT ON THE FLOOR WITH NO BACK support and got up on her own with ease ... SURROGATE. JUST BE HONEST.  THIS SHIT IS SICKENING!

#aaroncarter #stellarose #stellaroseallday #ac #foolsgold #fakepregnancy #fakingpregnant #celinapowell #manipulation #golddigger #pregnancytrap #melaniemartin #xoxo3000hateclub 

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