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Thursday, January 14, 2021

🧿 ✨💕 Grateful to be ALIVE this BIRTHDAY!!!

Hey, SO sorry it's been so freakin long. I hope everyone is staying super healthy, washing your HANDS, living your best lives. I truly appreciate all your continued views through the years. Sooo I wanted to keep you updated on whats going on with ME! FIRST OFF, NEW YEARS was CRAZY AF! I DIDN'T EVEN GO OUT AND PARTY! I spent new years in the ER, after spending hours in the, powder room... lets just say I had nothing left in me. My face was PALE af, my lips, life draining from my face, I could barely MOVE from bed to bathroom... I spent half the morning emptying every part of my stomach contents in every possible way. I lost SEVERAL LBS., and not healthily, Not by choice either. Sorry tmi.



 For the entire week, from ER to just basic care, I was on a restricted diet for almost a week, (well continues til today, really, still need a checkup) But what I need to say is this. WHEN I go into the hospital, there should be an ALLERGY LIST of things I cannot take whatsoever. 


If I go to the hospital for any reason I usually repeat my DO NOT give me list, just in case. well THIS time, I mentioned one of my DO NOT GIVE ME items, and the very next morning that's what the NURSE TRIED TO GIVE ME. SO... I kindly let them know this should  be on my DO NOT GIVE ME LIST, since I always say it every time I go in for any big reason, but most RECENTLY said it in TRIAGE just HOURS earlier... SHE did not confirm what I had said, my ONE allergy list item I already gave, she didn't make sure it was on the list, or added to the list, she flat out IGNORED IT, and the nurse almost gave me something that gives me no relief, only more pain... 


So THEN for the next week, I'm given another drug for pain, but it keeps on making me sick to my stomach, OVER AND OVER, 9 times per day for 4 days... and they tried to send me home with a prescription... 



WHEN I SAW THE PRESCRIPTION I CRIED MY EYES OUT. I WAS SO ANGRY. THEY had told me OVER AND OVER again what the GENERIC name of it was, not the MEDICAL NAME of the ITEM ON MY ALLERGY LIST THAT SAYS IT MAKES ME VOMIT VIOLENTLY!! FOR 15 YEARS this DRUG that I took ONE or 2 times and kept making me violently ill, I asked them never to give it to me again, because of how much it makes me sick. for 15 YEARS I said PLEASE don't give me this one drug, as it makes me SICK, I KNOW IT...


so this time, they DID give me the DRUG, but DIDN'T TELL ME THE MEDICAL NAME, and I didn't KNOW THE GENERIC NAME. THEY MADE ME VIOLENTLY ILL and lose I DON'T KNOW how much weight, lost a whole dress size, maybe more in 5 days in the whole process. Bruises all up and down my arms from the IV mistakes, and my other IV spot FINALLY isn't hard as a rock, and red anymore (10 days later nearly) 

I CAN move my arms now! YAY!




I feel like I almost died from an intestinal INFECTION, and to kill the pain they give me a medication I'VE BEEN asking them NEVER TO EVER GIVE ME AGAIN, for years... over a decade, why did NO ONE ADD IT TO MY LIST?! the NURSES COULDN'T FIGURE OUT WHY I COULDN'T KEEP IT DOWN EVEN with ANTI NAUSEA pills. well I FLUSHED MY PRESCRIPTION. NEVER EVER AGAIN. THIS hospital may have a little talk from me soon. or my lawyer. 


  I DON'T have a phone, I haven't for weeks, my computer is dying so I can't use that much either. (but hopes in one in the near future!) 


ANYWAY I just wanted to let you know, ANY sale I make on my page from my POSH Posh would GREATLY HELP my situation.

 Any sales of my ART as well, is greatly welcomed. ALSO IT'S MY BIRTHDAY NEXT WEEK! 

I have an open PARTY on my SALES PAGE If you signed up for PERKS before your order, YOU earn PERKS for FREEBIES! If you order in my PARTY, I earn PERKS and FREEBIES for my BIRTHDAY!  THIS Party will be closed on JANUARY 22, so get your ORDER IN BEFORE THEN to get me something for my BIRTHDAY! so remember, Sign up for Perks, Order in Party, Order by January 22. (if you miss that one, I will have another party open. Don't Worry Be Happy!! I just wanted to have Perks by my Birthday to Order something special and get my Party REWARD!


OHHH and last reminder!! If you add 6 items to your cart, and FILL OUT THE B5G1 PROMO in your CART  one of your ITEMS will be FREE!! 

 Don't forget to bookmark both pages, this one and my posh page. The link I sent you to was my Specials page, all the best deals right now, then there's categories for Face, Hands, CBD products too! 

I will be posting a NEW Morning and Nightly Routine as SOON as I CAN! Got some Posh Serums and body cremes to try! Follow me here, and on Social Media. I will be back on INSTAGRAM SOON ENOUGH! FOR NOW I AM LURKIN TWITTER... and Youtube!

I will tell you some of my favorite posh products in another post soon. KEEP YOUR EYES ON ME! 



🧿 ✨💕#SparkleP8nter #DayzSparklePosh #perks #birthday #happybirthday #CBD #CANNIBE #serums #hydrating #lucky #grateful #gratefultobealive #LOVELIFE #LMG

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